A Curious Find

I seem to be scouring the cheap games that I can find, looking for interesting things having to do with localization. I found one in Cogs.


(Title Screen with the LOLspeak language selected)

(Language Selection Screen)

Cogs has the standard language options, but then includes LOLSpeak. A joke? Caturday funz? A hint at available, but (generally) unattempted possibilities?

Language and Locale in Assassin’s Creed 2

Assassin’s Creed 2 (AC2) is a curious monster. I’m sure the first in the franchise was even stranger due to its Oriental(ist) focus, but I haven’t had the chance to play it (although El Nasr et al. 2008 give an interesting take on it). As such, I’ll keep my comments primarily to the second title in the franchise, which focuses on late 15th Century Italy.

AC2 takes place in the present where the player embodies a character, Desmond, who was previously held prisoner by the Templars (an organization trying to take over the world), but is freed in the opening scene by Lucy, and now works alongside the Assassins (who oppose the Templars and supposedly have throughout history). The cities in which this all takes place are not named overtly, but are within Italy according to fan delvers. Regardless of the specifics, a global north location is assumed due to the general skin color if nothing else. However, the majority of play takes place in a VR set up called the Animus 2.0 where Desmond embodies the Italian Ezio Auditore de Firenze, who encounters dozens of historical personages in his journey for familial vengeance.

You (the player) embody Desmond (a roamer from an unknown place called “The Farm”) who embodies Ezio (an Italian from Florence) as well as Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad (who is never given a more exact place of origin other than “The Middle East”). The nationalities are near tripled in the game between Desmond, Ezio and Altaïr, and the locales are multilple between the player’s own locale, 21st century Desmond and 15th century Ezio’s locales in various places in Italy (particularly Florence, Venice, and Rome), and 12th century Altaïr’s locale in various places in the now Syria and Israel area (including Masyaf, Acre, Jerusalem and Damascus). Suffice to say, there is no single locale within the game.

While there is a multiplicity of locales within the game, there is a limitation of localizations. When I started up the application for the first time I registered for a US/English account (and this may have created limitations), and upon launch the game’s graphical user interface (GUI) was English. Again, I will need to check alternate possibilities of switching the basic interface language, but for now I wish to discuss the option that remained despite the original determination. Within the option menu I am given the option of English and Italian spoken dialogue. Choosing one or the other makes all of the spoken dialogue in that language, but the GUI remains in English.

While this seems a simple audio switch so far, there is a crucial difference between the English and Italian language options. The Itlaian makes everything in Italian, but the English actually plays between English and Italian languages: certain elements of the characters’ dialogue remains in Italian, and are given a parenthetical English translation in the subtitles after the standard subtitles. Two examples are below:

The above image has the standard English. The characters words are given subtitles for both ease of understanding and to aid the Deaf player community. This is standard dialogue between the characters and happens often during cutscenes and other interactions.

In contrast, the second image shows Italian, Latin and translated English. In the seecne the player has assassinated a main antagonist character and there is a moment between them (the lack of female targets and main characters encourages a homosocial reading by the by). They converse, and then Ezio gives the target last rites as the target dies. The last rites are always in Italian with the Latin “requiescat in pace” at the end; the foreign enunciation remains foreign. Similarly, curses like ‘bastardi,’ and salutations like ‘a presto’ and ‘salute,’ and other colorful terms are often kept in Italian (shown below).

The English maintains a duality of language that forces the player to engage with a certain (albeit limited) foreign experience. This duality is erased within the Italian audio track as the spoken oscillation between English and Italian is removed and replaced with a constant Italian (granted, this Italian makes sense diegetically, but then what happened with the Arabic of the first title?). As a globalized narrative between Assassins and Templars the story necessitates mixture, and as it was made by Montreal based Ubisoft linguistic mixture is not surprising due to the Quebec French and Canadian English situation. However, the question becomes what happens to it as it travels to other languages and locales? Is the linguistic mixture removed within the other localizations? A quick search on YouTube reveals that the Spanish localization uses a variation of “pujar” in Spanish in the first 10 minute segment where there is a short scene of Ezio being born. The nurse says “spingi” (push) in the North American English version that I played. The mixture has been simplified.

The story is about global machinations and mixture, and one of the ways this is made apparent to the player is through the linguistic mixture. Sadly, this mixture disappears with localization. Is the task of localization to maintain a look and feel including politics and difference, or is it limited to entertainment at any cost? When a text is not limited to a single locale can a localization reduce it to a single locale?


  • El Nasr, Magy, Maha Al-Saati, Simon Niedenthal, and David Milam. “Assassin’s Creed: A Multi-Cultural Read.” Loading 2, no. 3 (2008).
  • Ubisoft Montreal. Assassin’s Creed II [Macintosh]. Ubisoft.

Teaching My First Class (feedback wanted!)

Repetition and (New) Media: Remember, Replay, Remix

This class explores the phenomenon of repetition theoretically by placing it into a historical trajectory of media repetition from memory to film, video games, and Internet memes. Writings include response papers, and a drafted final paper. Syllabus upon request.

Part 1: What is Repetition?
Week 1 – Monday: Repetition Defined

  • in class 15 writing exercise: write a definition of repetition; give an example of repetition

Week 1 – Wednesday:

  • Sturken and Cartwright – Practices of Looking Chapter 5: Visual Technologies, Image Reproduction, and the Copy (xxx-xxx)

Week 2 – Monday: Re – mix, -run, -play, -produce, -present, etc

  • Benjamin – Work of Art in the age of Mechanical Reproduction

Week 2 – Wednesday:

  • Hall – Representation, Meaning and Language (15-64)

Week 3 – Monday: Adaptation (and Translation)

  • Venuti – Adaptation, Translation, Critique (Journal of Visual Culture – 25-43)

Week 3 – Wednesday:

  • Austen – Pride and Prejudice
  • Pride and Prejudice (2005 film)
  • Austen and Grahame-Smith – Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Week 4 – Monday: Phenomenology – Can things ever be repeated?

  • ???Merleu-Ponty???
  • ???Henri Bergson???

Week 4 – Wednesday:

Week 5 – Monday: New Media or New Turns? – Are we in another change? / We are in another change

  • Manovich – Language of New Media – What Is New Media? (19-61)
    • question and critique in class

Week 5 – Wednesday:

Part 2: “Old” Media Repetition
Week 6 – Monday: Memory and Writing

  • Manguel – History of Reading – Book of Memory (55-65)
  • Landsberg – Prosthetic Memory (Introduction and Chapter 1) (1-45)

Week 6 – Wednesday: Painting and Art

  • Ni Zan imitation article
  • Who the #$& Is Jackson Pollack (film)

Week 7 – Monday: Television

  • Kompare – Rerun Nation (selections)

Week 7 – Wednesday:

Part 3: New Turns With Newer Media
Week 8 – Monday: Film

  • Klinger – Beyond the Metroplex – Remembrance of Films Past (91-134), and Once is Not Enough (135-190)

Week 8 – Wednesday:

  • Jenkins – Convergence Culture – Quentin Tarantino’s Star Wars? (135-173)

Week 9 – Monday: Music – Remix Culture

  • Cutler – “Plunderphonics” in Music, Electronic Media and Culture (87-114)
  • Harrison – Amen Break – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SaFTm2bcac

Week 9 – Wednesday:

  • Lessig – Remix (23-114)

Week 10 – Monday: Games – Replays and Replaying (in different spaces)

  • Home Playing
  • Speed Runs
  • Pro leagues
  • Cory Arcangel

Week 10 – Wednesday: Memes, they’re everywhere!

  • Know Your Meme – Repetition and Copyright
    • All Your Base – http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/all-your-base-are-belong-to-us#.Tho2U-BUVMs
    • LOLCats – http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/lolcats#.Tho1HeBUVMs
    • Keyboard Cat – Play Him Off – http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/keyboard-cat#.Tho38OBUVMs
    • Downfall/Hitler – take down notices – http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/downfall-hitler-reacts#.Tho59-BUVMs
    • Philosoraptor – CC License – http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/philosoraptor#.ThpAvuBUVMs
    • Over 9000 – http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/its-over-9000#.Tho6A-BUVMs
    • Peanut Butter Jelly Time – 5 elements – http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/downfall-hitler-reacts#.Tho59-BUVMs
  • Mifflin – The Joy of Repetition, Repetition, Repetition – http://www.nytimes.com/1997/08/03/tv/the-joy-of-repetition-repetition-repetition.html

Writing Projects:

  • Response paper (3-5 pages) – Pick one reading that you feel strongly about (either positively or negatively) and respond to it. Summarize the main points, then (depending on your positive/negative response) critique or support the article with your response, then expand upon the article in some way.
  • In class response essay (30 minutes) – What does this clip have to do with repetition?
  • Final Paper (2 part cycle) – pick topic
    • Outline – feedback given
    • Final Paper – Due during the final


Games, Skopos, and (Functional) Limitations

As I’ve been recovering from qualifying in June, I’ve been playing a few games that I’ve been meaning to play (Assassin’s Creed 2 — the translation/localization issues are ever present in interesting ways; Avadon — a fan translation might be very interesting of an indie RPG like this) and reading some things that I’ve been meaning to read (Wendy Chun’s Control and Freedom, Jeremy Munday’s Introduction to Translation Studies, and various others). Here I’d like to think through a few ideas I had when reading Munday’s intro text book. It’s quite good in its breadth and inclusivity, so there’s been a few areas it has tied in for me, particularly the idea of skopos.

The skopos theory of translation is attributed to Hans J. Vermeer and Katharina Reiss as focusing particularly “on the purpose of the translation, which determines the translation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order to produce a functionally adequate result” (Munday 79). Its advantage, according to Munday, “is that it allows the possibility of the same text being translated in different ways according to the purpose of the TT [target text] and the commission which is given to the translator” (Munday 80). The above sentence is interesting for two reasons. First, it implies different translational possibilities and the likelihood of these possibilities happening, which also indicates that these differences might add up or be equally obtainable. Second,  it is the commission that determines the direction that the TT must go. A popular novel must be translated according to the publishing industry’s whims; a government or legal document according  to a different ‘commission‘ that is more ethically or politically oriented; a game to a different orientation still.

As Munday notes, various theorists critique skopos theory on grounds including the lack of a single purpose or meaning in certain texts (particularly Christiane Nord). On the surface, the different skopos lead forward solving this difficulty, they do different things if not all at once, but the problem still exists in terms of publication and visualization. How do you convince the monetary support to publish multiple versions (here I largely refer to literature and other popular forms that are translated, like movies and games) according to the different skopos, or aims, when the publisher/commissioner’s aim is money? And, how do you visualize these different forms? The latter I’ve discussed elsewhere, and the former is a very spiky question.

For now I wish to breifly look at how skopos theory has been taken up by Carmen Mangiron and Minako O’Hagan in their work on game localization. According to Mangiron and O’Hagan, [t]he skopos of game localization is to produce a target version that keeps the ‘look and feel’ of the original… the feeling of the original ‘gameplay experience’ needs to be preserved in the localized version so that all players share the same enjoyment regardless of their language of choice.” The authors identify a single skopos to game localization and ignore the commission element. They identify the look, feel and experience as legitimate elements to be translated, but ignore the contextual elements causing these particular elements to be the focus. Could there not be a different skopos for different games depending on if it is a publisher or if it is ‘abandonware’ with a rabid fanbase?

If games have distributed authorship (Huber) and fans help author them (Jenkins), then why does the publisher’s wishes get privileged for the skopos commission? The ‘source’ that is considered by skopos theory is not simply the publisher wishes, but a range of things seemingly unconsidered by standard localization discourse.


  • Huber, William. Soft Authorship. Dissertation.
  • Jenkins, Henry. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press, 2006.
  • Mangiron, Carmen and Minako O’Hagan. “Game Localization: Unleashing Imagination with ‘Restricted’ Translation.” Journal of Specialized Translation, no. 6 (2006): 10-21.
  • Munday, Jeremy. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. 2nd ed. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2008.